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书籍名:《心理韧性》    作者:伊丽莎白·A. 斯坦利
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[1]Judson Brewer, The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartpbones to Love——Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2017), 1-7; Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (New York: Random House, 2012), 13-21.

[2]K. A. Finlay, D. Trafimow, and A. Villarreal, “Predicting Exercise and Health Behavioral Intentions Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Other Behavioral Determinants,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32, no. 2 (2002): 342-356.

[3] W. Wood, J. M. Quinn, and D. A. Kashy, “Habits in Everyday Life: Thought,Emotion, and Action,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83(2002): 1281-1297; J. M. Quinn and W. Wood, “Habits across the Lifespan,”unpublished paper (2006).

[4]M. S. Hagger, N. L. D. Chatzisarantis, and S. Biddle, “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Theories of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior: Predictive Validity and the Contribution of Additional Variables.” Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 24 (2002): 3-32; N. L. D. Chatzisarantis and M. S. Hagger,“Mindfulness and the Intention-Behavior Relationship within the Theory of Planned Behavior,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33, no. 5 (2007):663-676.

[5]Bruce E. Wexler, Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006), chap. 4.

[6]D. K. Harmon, M. Masuda, and T. H. Holmes, “The Social Readjustment Rating Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study of Western Europeans and Americans,”Journal of Psychosomatic Research 14 (1970): 391-400.

[7]Wexler, Brain and Culture, 173.

[8]David DeSteno, “How to Keep Your Resolutions,” New York Times, December 31, 2017.


[10]H. J. Wu and E. Wu, “The Role of Gur Microbiota in Immune Homeostasis and Autoimmunity,” Gut Microbes 3, no. 1 (2012): 4-14; Elizabeth Lipski,Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease through Healthy Digestion, 4th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012); Gary Kaplan and Donna Beech, Total Recovery: Solving the Mystery of Cbronic Pain and Depression (New York: Rodale, 2014), 120-121.

[11]Kaplan and Beech, Total Recovery, 117-123; Wu and Wu, “The Role of Gut Microbiota”; Dale E. Bredesen, The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline (New York: Avery, 2017).

[12]Lipski, Digestive Wellness; Kaplan and Beech, Total Recovery, 117.

[13]Lipski, Digestive Wellness; Kaplan and Beech, Total Recovery, chap. 5; Moises Valasquez-Manoff, “The Germs That Love Diet Soda,” New York Times, April 8, 2018.

[14]原始人饮食(paleo diet)是近年来兴起的一种饮食方式,强调食用高蛋白、中脂肪和低碳水的食物,并且拒绝加工食品。——译者注

[15]肮脏十二(Dirty Dozen)是由美国环保组织环境工作组(Environmental Working Group)发布的《农产品杀虫剂购物者指南》(EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce)中杀虫剂残留最高的前12种农产品。——译者注

[16]2018年度的“肮脏十二”,即农药残留量最高的水果和蔬菜包括草莓、菠菜、油桃、苹果、葡萄、桃子、樱桃、梨、西红柿、芹菜、土豆、甜椒等。而2018年度的“干净十五”,即农药残留量最少,尽管属于非有机食品但也更安全的水果蔬菜包括牛油果、甜玉米、菠萝、卷心菜、洋葱、甜冷冻豌豆、木瓜、芦笋、芒果、茄子、蜜瓜、猕猴桃、甜瓜、花菜和西蓝花。参见美国非营利环保机构环境工作组织(Environmental Working Group's “2018 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce,” April 10, 2018, ewg.org/releaselout-now-ewg-s-2018shopper-s-guide-pesticides-produce#。

[17]J. D. Lane et al., “Caffeine Affects Cardiovascular and Neuroendocrine Activation at Work and Home,” Psychosomatic Medicine 64, no. 4 (2002):595-603; D. Borota et al., “Post-Study Caffeine Administration Enhances Memory Consolidation in Humans,” Nature Neuroscience 17 (2014): 201203; S. E. Meredith et al., “Caffeine Use Dísorder: A Comprehensive Review and Research Agenda,” Journal of Caffeine Research 3, no. 3 (2013): 114130; Deane Alban, “All about Caffeine Addiction and Withdrawal and How to Quit,” Be Brain Fit blog, June 2, 2018, bebrainfit/caffeine-addictionwithdrawal.

[18]Bredesen, The End of Alzheimer's, 192-193.

[19]Kaplan and Beech, Total Recovery, 182-183.

[20]Anahad O'Conner, “The Pitfalls of Late-Night Snacking,” New York Times,July 24, 2018.

[21]National Sleep Foundation, 2013 Sleep in America Poll: Exercise and Sleep(Arlington, VA: National Sleep Foundation, 2013).

[22]B. Wood et al., “Light Level and Duration of xposure Determine the Impact of Self-Luminous Tablets on Melatonin Suppression.” Applied Ergonomics 44,no. 2 (2013): 237-240.

[23]H. Eyre, E. Papps, and B. Baune, “Treating Depression and DepressionLike Behavior with Physical Activity: An Immune Perspective,” Frontiers in Psychiatry 4, no. 3 (2013): 1-27; National Sleep Foundation, 2013 Sleep in America Poll; R. A. Kohman et al., “Exercise Reduces Activation of Microglia Isolated from Hippocampus and Brain of Aged Mice,” Journal of Neuroinflammation10, no. 1 (2013): 885; Gretchen Reynolds, “Exercise May Starve a Cold,” New York Times, December 22, 2015; Gretchen Reynolds,“When Exercise Takes a Vacation,” New York Times, August 7, 2018.

[24]D. Umberson and J. Karas Montez, “Social Relationships and Health: A Flashpoint for Health Policy,” Journal of Health ana Social Behavior 51, no. 1 Suppl. (2010): S54-S66; Ruth Whippman, “Happiness Is Other People,” New York Times, October 29, 2017; Jane E. Brody, “Social Interaction Is Critical for Mental and Physical Health,” New York Times, June 13, 2017.

[25]Matthew D. Lieberman, Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect (New York: Crown, 2013), 247; Whippman, “Happiness Is Other People.”

[26]L. Bruni and I. Stanca, “Watching Alone: Relational Goods, Télevision and Happiness,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 65, no. 3 (2008):506-528; Lieberman, Social, 246-256.

[27]Jeanne M. Twenge, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” Atlantic, September 2017.

[28]Arthur C. Brooks, “How Loneliness Is Tearing America Apart,” New York Times, November 24, 2018; Susan Scutti, “Loneliness Peaks at Thre Key Ages, Study Finds-But Wisdom May Help,” CNN, December 20, 2018;M. McPherson,L. Smith-Lovin, and M. E. Brashears, “Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades,”American Sociological Review 71, no. 3 (2006): 353-375.

[29]Whippman, “Happiness Is Other People.”

[30]C. M. Perissinotto and K. E. Covinsky, “Living Alone, Socially Isolated or Lonely—What Are We Measuring?,” Journal of General Internal Medicine 29,no. 11 (2014): 1429-1431; Brooks, “How Loneliness Is Tearing America Apart.”

[31]Perissinotto and Covinsky, “Living Alone, Socially Isolated or Lonely”;Umberson and Karas Montez, “Social Relationships and Health”; Jane E.Brody, “How Loneliness Takes a Toll on Our Health,” New York Times,December 12, 2017; Brody, “Social Interaction Is Critical for Mental and Physical Health.”

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